3 Of The Most Common Auras People Possess

Aura’s are often described as an energy field that surrounds a person. Each person has their own unique aura, which can be seen by people who have the ability to see energy. There are three main types of aura’s: mental, emotional and physical. Each type is associated with different characteristics and personality traits. In this blog post, we will discuss the three most common aura’s that people possess and which aura is the most common of them all!

What Is An Aura?

An Aura is essentially an energy field that surrounds each and every one of us. It is our own personal electromagnetic field which is made up of different frequencies. These frequencies range from the physical to the spiritual and they can be seen, felt or even heard by those who are sensitive to energy.

Special cameras can pick up on these frequencies and they often appear as different colors around the person. Different colors can represent different things, for example, a blue aura might represent truthfulness or serenity, while a red aura might represent anger or passion.

How Can Aura’s Be Used?

Aura’s can be used in a number of ways. For example, they can be used to help heal the body, as different colors can represent different areas of the body. They can also be used to help cleanse and protect the energy around us.

What Are The Three Main Types Of Auras?

The three main types of aura’s are mental, emotional and physical. Each type is associated with different characteristics and personality traits. Here is a brief overview of each type:

Mental Aura

This type of aura is associated with the mind and intellectual abilities. People with a strong mental aura are often quick thinkers who are able to process information quickly. They are often seen as leaders or visionaries because of their ability to think outside the box.

The mental aura typically shows up as the color yellow.

Emotional Aura

This type of aura is associated with emotions and feelings. People with a strong emotional aura are often very compassionate and empathetic. They are usually good at reading other people’s emotions and they are often considered to be healers.

The emotional aura typically shows up as the color green or pink.

Physical Aura

This type of aura is associated with the physical body and its abilities. People with a strong physical aura are often athletic and physically strong. They are often seen as protectors or warriors because of their ability to defend themselves and others.

The physical aura typically shows up as the color red or orange although red can be also associated with anger.

Which Aura Is The Most Common?

Surprisingly, the most common type of aura is the physical aura. This is likely because most people are more in tune with their physical bodies than their mental or emotional bodies. However, it is important to remember that we all have all three types of aura’s and that they are all equally important!

What Is The Rarest Aura Color?

While there are many different colors that can show up in an aura, the rarest color is actually silver. Silver is often associated with psychic abilities or spiritual connections. If you see someone with a silver aura, it is likely that they are very in tune with their spirituality!

Although we mention the 3 main common aura colors as yellow, green, pink, red or orange, There are more, such as silver, but these are very rare to spot and show be explored further if you find one!

3 Rare Aura Colors?

While there are many different colors that can show up in an aura, the rarest color is actually silver. Silver is often associated with psychic abilities or spiritual connections. Here are another 3 rate colors.

Other Rare Aura Colors Include

  • Violet: which can represent high levels of creativity or imagination
  • Gold: which can represent divine guidance or protection
  • White: which can represent purity or cleanliness

Do Animals Have Aura’s?

You may be surprised by this but animals have aura’s just like humans do! In fact, some people believe that animals are even more attuned to their aura’s than we are. This is because they rely on their intuition and instinct more than we do. Animals with strong aura’s are often seen as very wise or spiritual creatures.

Where Can You Learn About Auras?

If you’re interested in learning more about aura’s, there are a number of resources available. There are books, websites and even classes that can teach you about this fascinating topic!

You can find online classes or even actual aura groups local to you where you can visit and talk to like-minded people. A quick search on an online business directory will help you out finding them too.

Final Thoughts

Aura’s are a fascinating topic and there is so much more to them than we could cover in this blog post! If you are interested in learning more about aura’s, we encourage you to do some additional research and broaden your horizons as this isn’t a short journey and can be quite a long rabbit-hole when you dig deeper, but fascinating none the less!